Enabling Google Analytics for your Help Center

Tom Cook
Tom Cook

You can use Google Analytics to track Help Center traffic. Enabling it involves getting the tracking ID from Google Analytics and then adding it to the Help Center.

If you previously obtained the JavaScript snippet from Google Analytics and added it to your Help Center pages manually, you should remove the snippet before enabling the setting described in this article.

Adding your Help Center to Google Analytics

To track traffic via Google Analytics, you’ll need a Google Analytics account.

To create a new Google Analytics account

  1. Go to www.google.com/analytics and create an account.
  2. On the New Account page, click Website.
  3. Use your Help Center information to fill out the account options. For example, if you’re creating an account for your company, Mondocam, you’d enter the following:

    • Account Name: Mondocam
    • Website Name: Mondocam Help Center
    • Website URL: (Select https:// from the drop-down menu) mondocam.zendesk.com/hc

    Set the remaining options according to your preferences.

  4. Click Get Tracking ID and accept the Terms and Conditions.
  5. Copy and add the tracking ID to the Help Center as described in Adding the tracking ID to the Help Center, below.

Once you have a Google Analytics account, you can add your Help Center.

To add your Help Center to your Google Analytics account

  1. Sign in to your Google Analytics account.
  2. If this is the first website associated with this Google Analytics account, click Sign Up.

    If you have other websites associated with this Google Analytics account, click Admin at the top of the page, and in the Account column, click the existing account name and select Create new account.

  3. Use your Help Center information to fill out the account options. For example, if you’re creating an account for your company, Mondocam, you’d enter the following:

    • Account Name: My Company
    • Website Name: My Company Help Center
    • Website URL: (Select https:// from the drop-down menu) mycompany.zendesk.com/hc

    Set the remaining options according to your preferences.

  4. Click Get Tracking ID and accept the Terms and Conditions.
  5. Copy and add the tracking ID to the Help Center as described below.

Adding the tracking ID to the Help Center

Once you have your Help Center added to your Google Analytics account, you need to update your settings with the tracking ID you generated in the previous section.

To add the tracking ID to the Help Center

  1. In Guide, click the Settings (Settings icon) icon in the sidebar.
  2. Under Integrations, select the option to enable the Google Analytics and enter your tracking ID.

    Google Analytics

  3. Click Update on the upper-right side of the page.

Using Google Analytics with Help Center

See the following resources on using Google Analytics to create the best self-service experience possible for your customers:

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  • Comment author
    Elizabeth Holmes

    Can you use a G code on the light version of the Zendesk Guide?

  • Comment author
    Will Gates

    Hey Elizabeth, a G-code will not work, you will need to us a UA-code. Hope that helps!


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